Special Issue Contributors:
1. Preface
to MOOCs and Open Education Special Issue: The Power of Four
Curtis J. Bonk,
Indiana University, USA
Mimi Miyoung Lee,
University of Houston, USA
Thomas H. Reynolds,
National University, USA
Thomas C. Reeves,
The University of Georgia, USA
Curtis J. Bonk is Professor of
Instructional Systems Technology at Indiana University and President of
CourseShare. Drawing on his background as a corporate controller, CPA,
educational psychologist, and instructional technologist, Bonk offers unique
insights into the intersection of business, education, psychology, and technology.
A well-known authority on emerging technologies for learning, Bonk reflects on
his speaking experiences around the world in his popular blog, TravelinEdMan.
In 2014, he also was named the recipient of the Mildred B. and Charles A.
Wedemeyer Award for Outstanding Practitioner in Distance Education. He has
authored several widely used technology books, including The World Is Open,
Empowering Online Learning, The Handbook of Blended Learning, Electronic
Collaborators, and, most recently, Adding Some TEC-VARIETY which is
free as an eBook (http://tec-variety.com/). He may be contacted at cjbonk@indiana.edu. |
Mimi Miyoung Lee is Associate
Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at University of
Houston. She received her Ph.D. in Instructional Systems Technology from
Indiana University at Bloomington in 2004. Her research interests include
global and multicultural education, theories of identity formation, sociological
examination of online communities, issues of representation, and critical
ethnography. Mimi has published research on STEM related online teacher
education, cross-cultural training research, interactive videoconferencing,
opencourseware, and qualitative research. She may be contacted at mlee7@uh.edu.
Thomas H. Reynolds is currently a
professor of Teacher Education at National University in La Jolla, California
where he researches design of online learning environments, standards-based
online assessment and innovations in e-learning. Before coming to National
University, he served on faculty at Texas A&M University after earning
earned his Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison. He has twice served as a Fulbright Scholar—2010 in Colombia
where he researched open education resources and 1998 in Peru where he lectured
on Web-based learning and technology-enhanced instruction. Present activities
and responsibilities include projects in Colombia, coordination for an
e-teaching and learning master’s degree specialization as well as leadership in
online quality assurance and online course review and development for National
University. He can be contacted at treynold@nu.edu.
Thomas C. Reeves, Professor
Emeritus of Learning, Design, and technology at The University of Georgia, has
designed and evaluated numerous interactive learning programs. In 2003, he
received the AACE Fellowship Award, in 2010 he was made an ASCILITE Fellow, and
in 2013 he received the AECT David
H. Jonassen Excellence in Research Award.
His books include Interactive Learning Systems Evaluation (with John
Hedberg), a Guide to Authentic E-Learning (with Jan Herrington and Ron
Oliver), and Conducting Educational Design Research (with Susan
McKenney). His research interests include evaluation, authentic tasks for
learning, educational design research, and educational technology in developing
countries. He can be reached at treeves@uga.edu.
and Open Education: The Unique Symposium that Led to this Special Issue
Mimi Miyoung Lee,
University of Houston, USA
Thomas H. Reynolds,
National University, USA
Mimi Miyoung Lee is Associate
Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at University of
Houston. She received her Ph.D. in Instructional Systems Technology from
Indiana University at Bloomington. Her research interests include global and
multicultural education, theories of identity formation, sociological examination
of online communities, issues of representation, and critical ethnography. Mimi
has published research on STEM related online teacher education, cross-cultural
training research, interactive videoconferencing, opencourseware, and
qualitative research. She may be contacted at mlee7@uh.edu
Thomas H. Reynolds is currently a
professor of Teacher Education at National University in La Jolla, California
where he researches design of online learning environments, standards-based
online assessment and innovations in e-learning. Before coming to National
University, he served on faculty at Texas A&M University after earning
earned his Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison. He has twice served as a Fulbright Scholar—2010 in Colombia
where he researched open education resources and 1998 in Peru where he lectured
on Web-based learning and technology-enhanced instruction. Present activities
and responsibilities include projects in Colombia, coordination for an
e-teaching and learning master’s degree specialization as well as leadership in
online quality assurance and online course review and development for National
University. He can be contacted at treynold@nu.edu.
3. MOOC Learning Experience Design: Issues and Challenges
Hélène Fournier,
National Research Council Canada
Rita Kop,
Yorkville University, New Brunswick, Canada
Hélène Fournier has
been a Research Officer at the National Research Council Canada's Institute for
Information Technology since 2002 and holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology
from McGill University. Her research areas is education and technology. She has
participated in several research projects focused on the application and
evaluation of advanced technologies in the training sector, in distance
education, and more recently in learner-centered research and development of
Connectivist Massive Open Online Courses (cMOOCs) and Learning and Performance
Support Systems. Dr. Fournier has contributed to the advancement of research in
the field of distance education, online learning, and adult learning. She has
also been engaged in the study of informal learning experiences in the context
of cMOOCs. She has published widely in peer reviewed journals and at
international conferences. She can be contacted at
Rita Kop is dean of
the Faculty of Education at Yorkville University, She has been a researcher at
the National Research Council of Canada and holds a Ph.D. in Adult Continuing
Education. Her current research focuses on human learning in advanced networked
learning environments. Before she joined the NRC, she was an assistant
professor at Swansea University in the UK. At Swansea, Dr. Kop worked with
community groups and universities contributing to community-based and online
services for adults in some of the most deprived areas of the UK. Dr. Kop is
originally from the Netherlands, where she spent ten years as teacher and head
teacher in elementary education. For more information:
http://www.you-learn.org. She can be contacted at rkop@yorkvilleu.ca.
4. Mining Data from Weibo to WeChat: A
Comparative Case Study of MOOC Communities on Social Media in China
Ke Zhang, Ph.D.
Wayne State University, MI, USA
Ke Zhang is
Associate Professor at Wayne State University in the USA. Her research focuses
on e-learning, mobile learning technologies and social media, and big data
research and applications in educational technology research and
development. Her research publications are translated into and/or cited in
languages such as Armenian, Chinese, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and
more. Her work is adapted to guide research and practices of e-learning and
mobile learning in different countries and various settings. Her
collaborative research is funded by NIH with multi-million grants. She serves
on the editorial boards for highly regarded scholarly journals, and plays
active leadership roles in international professional organizations. She has
delivered keynote presentations and invited talks in Chile, China, Hong Kong,
Japan, Malaysia, the UAE, and the USA. Dr. Zhang has consulted for
international organizations like the World Bank, national government and
agencies, corporations and educational institutions, both in USA and overseas.
Inquiries are welcome by email to ke.zhang@wayne.edu.
5. The Emergent
Role of the MOOC Instructor: A Qualitative Study of Trends Toward Improving
Future Practice
Sarah Haavind,
Pepperdine University, USA
Cynthia Sistek-Chandler,
National University, USA
Sarah Haavind is Senior Program
Analyst at the Oregon Department of Education where she leads the design and
implementation of a statewide online professional learning portal. She was an
Associate Professor of Education at Lesley University Graduate School of
Education and began her career as a high school teacher. She taught online in
the 1990s for The Concord Consortium where she co-authored Facilitating
Online Learning (Atwood, 2000) at Lesley University in the early 2000s, and
currently adjuncts at Pepperdine University in a blended Doctorate in Learning
Technologies program. She can be contacted at Sarah.Haavind@pepperdine.edu.
Cynthia Sistek-Chandler is
Associate Professor of Educational Technology at National University where she
taught her first online class in 2000. Dr. Sistek-Chandler is currently serving
a special appointment as a Faculty Fellow to the Center for Innovation and
Learning, also at National University. Prior to teaching in higher education
she taught primary grades. She can be reached at cchandler@nu.edu.
6. Developing MOOCs to Narrow the College Readiness Gap: Challenges and
Recommendations for a Writing Course
Shoba Bandi-Rao,
Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY, NY, USA
Christopher J. Devers,
Indiana Wesleyan University, Indiana, USA
Shoba Bandi-Rao is an
assistant professor at the Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY, where
she teaches Language and Culture, a course in linguistics and Intensive
Writing to underprepared college freshmen. Her research focuses on ways to
use technology and the appropriate pedagogical strategies to narrow the college
readiness gap for disadvantaged students at two-year colleges. Currently, she
is working on three major projects: (1) digital storytelling as a way to help
struggling writers; (2) use of small “chunks” of time (during subway commute,
between classes) and the convenience of mobile technology to practice language
skills; and (3) videos created by students on academic literacy skills. She has
also been keenly following the evolution of MOOCs on basic writing. Bandi-Rao
received her Ph. D. in Applied Linguistics from New York University. During her
free time, she dabbles in amateur astronomy. Bandi-Rao can be contacted at
Christopher Devers received a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is an Associate Professor in the School of Education and the Director of Research for the Center for Learning and
Innovation at Indiana Wesleyan University. Broadly, Professor Devers’ research focuses on
how and when technology promotes learning. Specifically, his research explores the optimal components that impact learning and matching those to the right situations. Overall, the broader questions regarding how and when technology is effective
are applied to Professor Devers’ lines of research -- online education, video learning, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. He can be reached at
chris@edprofessor.com and
7. Much aMOOC about Nothing: Is Real Research Coming?
Vicki Sloan Williams,
The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Nai-Fen Su,
The Pennsylvania State University, USA
S. Williams serves in the Teaching & Learning with Technology (TLT)
department at Penn State where she is Manager, Assessment & Evaluation
Research. In this role, she studies and evaluates the effectiveness of
technology interventions and their applications to learning and teaching. She
received her Ph.D. in Instructional Systems from The Pennsylvania State
University and her M.Ed. in Science Education from Edinboro University of
Pennsylvania. Before joining TLT, Dr. Williams taught secondary school science
and Training & Development at Penn State. Her current research focuses on
the use of technologies to facilitate large enrollment courses, in both online
and resident instruction.
Su is a Ph.D. candidate in Workforce Education and Development program and
concurrently a M.Ed. candidate in Counselor Education program with a dual
emphasis in Rehabilitation and Career Counseling at the Pennsylvania State
University. Since 2012, Nai-Fen Su has been working as an assessment
graduate assistant in Educational Technology Services (ETS) in Information
Technology Services (IST) at Penn State. Until now, she has been involved in
over 20 assessment projects in ETS at Penn State. Before studying at Penn
State, Nai-Fen Su also worked as an employee relations specialist for 4 years
at Qisda Corporation in Taiwan. Her current research focuses on the career
development for college students with or with not disabilities, disability
employment, recruiters' competencies, and online learning.
8. MOOCs: Redirecting the Quest for Quality Higher Education for All
Thomas C. Reeves,
The University of Georgia, USA
Curtis J. Bonk,
Indiana University, USA
Thomas C. Reeves, Professor
Emeritus of Learning, Design, and Technology at The University of Georgia, has
designed and evaluated numerous interactive learning programs. In 2003, he
received the AACE Fellowship Award, in 2010 he was made an ASCILITE Fellow, and
in 2013 he received the AECT David
H. Jonassen Excellence in Research Award.
His books include Interactive Learning Systems Evaluation (with John
Hedberg), a Guide to Authentic E-Learning (with Jan Herrington and Ron
Oliver), and Conducting Educational Design Research (with Susan
McKenney). His research interests include evaluation, authentic tasks for
learning, educational design research, and educational technology in developing
countries. He can be reached at treeves@uga.edu and his homepage can be found at
Curtis J. Bonk is Professor of
Instructional Systems Technology at Indiana University and President of
CourseShare. Drawing on his background as a corporate controller, CPA,
educational psychologist, and instructional technologist, Bonk offers unique
insights into the intersection of business, education, psychology, and
technology. A well-known authority on emerging technologies for learning, Bonk
reflects on his speaking experiences around the world in his popular blog, TravelinEdMan.
In 2014, he also was named the recipient of the Mildred B. and Charles A.
Wedemeyer Award for Outstanding Practitioner in Distance Education. He has
authored several widely used technology books, including The World Is Open,
Empowering Online Learning, The Handbook of Blended Learning, Electronic
Collaborators, and, most recently, Adding Some TEC-VARIETY which is
free as an eBook (http://tec-variety.com/). His homepage contains much
free and open material (http://php.indiana.edu/~cjbonk/) and he can be contacted at cjbonk@indiana.edu.
MOOCs and Open Education Around the World Copyright © 2015